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Characteristics of the apostolic church

What are some characteristics of the apostolic church:


  1. Apostolic churches have a great passion to reach the lost! The priority is to seek the lost, show them the plan of salvation, and establish them in the local church. This will increase the chances of them becoming a disciple. Some churches rarely see someone saved or healed because they lack the vision to reach the lost.
  2. Apostolic churches have groups of intensive practical discipleship. This was the design Jesus used with the disciples He sent out. He was not focused on theoretic discipleships.
  3. In apostolic ministries, miracles, signs and healings take place often. They move in the supernatural, prophecy, deliverance, the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophetic songs, spiritual warfare etc.
  4. Apostolic churches have strong deliverance ministries. Believers don’t become successful disciples if they don’t experience deliverance.
  5. Apostolic churches have a strong foundation in praise and worship. Prophetic flow with the NOW word is essential, songs birthed in the spirit and they know how to bring in God’s Manifested Presence.
  6. Apostolic churches have rich teaching and revelation of the Word. They do not focus on just one particular subject, they focus on Christ!
  7. Apostolic churches offer pastoral care and evangelize through small groups. This is a way to develop leaders and involve the entire congregation in reaching the lost.
  8. Apostolic churches have strong prayer and intercessory ministries.
  9. Apostolic churches have a call to serve the community.
  10. Apostolic churches have well-organized governmental structures and have an order of authority.
  11. Apostolic churches seek to take over media resources. They use the media and any means of communication to take the gospel throughout the world and reach the lost.
  12. An apostolic church is characterized by all the people moving with their abilities, power and different gifts. There are way too many people with great potential sitting in the church that are not being developed. They are waiting for someone to identify their potential and help them grow in their calling in Christ. There is a shortage of leaders with the heart of a father willing to become involved in developing these gifts and help them fulfill their destiny.

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