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We are co-laborers with God in signs and wonders

The Bible teaches us that we are co-laborers with God and that He would confirm His Word (that we preach) with signs and wonders.

God is a supernatural God, Who loves to do supernatural things. He does these things for us, but also through us. How can we learn this supernatural living? Is this for everyone? 

In the heart of our spiritual life lies the profound truth that Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. This unchanging nature of Christ assures us that the miracles and signs witnessed in the Bible are still accessible to us today through faith. The power of faith, anointing, and glory is at our disposal as believers, ready to transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

Understanding that sickness and suffering do not come from God is crucial. These afflictions should be viewed as illegal intrusions in our lives. By standing firm in faith, we can claim healing as our right, not as an occasional blessing. This perspective empowers us to confront illness with the confidence that it does not align with the life God intends for us.

The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in guiding and instructing us daily. Following the Holy Spirit may sometimes lead to decisions that seem illogical in the natural sense, but these choices ultimately result in divine outcomes and blessings. Embracing this guidance can lead to supernatural victories and a deeper connection with God’s will.

The power of testimony cannot be overstated. Sharing what God has done in our lives is essential, not only for affirming His works within us but also for encouraging others and leading them to a deeper faith. Our testimonies declare God’s goodness and inspire others to trust in Him.

Active participation in expanding God’s kingdom is a call to every believer. This involves preaching the gospel with power and authority given by the Holy Spirit. Casting out demons, healing the sick, and performing miracles are not just acts of personal devotion but are evidence of God’s living presence among us. These actions demonstrate the reality of God’s power and His desire to work through us to bring about His kingdom on earth.

In embracing these truths, we step into a life of divine authority and purpose. The unchanging nature of Jesus, the right to healing, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the power of testimony, and active participation in God’s kingdom are all integral to our faith journey. By living out these principles, we not only transform our own lives but also become vessels of God’s power and love to the world around us.

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